Privacy and Cookie Policy

ÖZGÜL TERMAL TURİZM İNŞAAT GIDA SANAYİ VE TİCARET A.Ş. PRIVACY AND SECURITY POLICY website belongs to ÖZGÜL TERMAL TURİZM İNŞAAT GIDA SANAYİ VE TİCARET A.Ş. The information security of our visitors and members who visit the site is of great importance to our Company. This text has been prepared to inform you about information security.

  • Our Company attaches special importance to ensuring the confidentiality and security of the information of its visitors and members. Within the framework of our approach to protecting the information of visitors and members and showing utmost care in complying with the legal legislation, detailed arrangements are made in this regard to ensure that all our employees show the necessary sensitivity in this regard at the highest level, and the protection of visitor and member information is taken into consideration with importance in all kinds of applications and processes carried out.
    Our Company does not share the information it collects from you with third parties without your knowledge or instruction to the contrary, except for those specified in the KVKK Information Text, does not use or sell for commercial purposes for any reason other than its activities.
  • In case our Company cooperates with different real/legal persons for the purpose of receiving support services, it signs detailed "Privacy Agreements" with these persons and ensures that these persons comply with our Company's privacy standards and conditions.
  • In this regard, our basic approach is to protect all information regarding our visitors and members from unauthorized access, incorrect use and changes, corruption and destruction; and to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and usability of information.
  • Our site provides links to other websites. The commitments in our Privacy Policy are only valid within our Site and do not cover other websites. The privacy principles, ethical principles and terms of use of other websites visited via links from our Site are valid, and our Company is not responsible for any material/moral losses that may be incurred on these sites.
  • Our site aims to inform its visitors and members about all content, services and products to be provided on the site and to provide an environment where they can fulfill their product/service requests. The copyrights of the page screens, information, all kinds of content, themes, applications and materials on the site and their arrangement belong to ÖZGÜL TERMAL TURİZM İNŞAAT GIDA SANAYİ VE TİCARET A.Ş. All copyrights, registered trademarks, patents and/or all other intellectual and industrial property rights regarding the information and materials contained in the site are reserved for the site. The right to use the comments and opinions published on the site and the names presented with them, including but not limited to all financial and related rights in the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works No. 5846, belongs exclusively to ÖZGÜL TERMAL TURİZM İNŞAAT GIDA SANAYİ VE TİCARET A.Ş. in perpetuity and irrevocably, without being subject to any royalty fee. When you make a payment via our Site with a credit card, you are deemed to have accepted the sharing of credit card number, expiration date, CVV2 and similar information with our intermediary service provider, payment service provider and the relevant bank. Otherwise, it is not possible for you to complete the payment transaction. Your credit card information requested on the payment page is not kept on the servers of our Company or support service companies in any way in order to keep the security of our valued visitors and members who make payments through the site at the highest level. In this way, all transactions for payment are made between the bank and your computer via the interface.
  • Our transactions are made with Bit SSL protection.

We present it to your information.